Present Perfect Worksheet


1. Unspecified point in the past

  •  I have studied for the exam
  •  I have repaired my laptop
  •  He has bought some headphones
2. An action that occurred in the past, but has a result in the present (now)

  •  My brother has drunk the medicine that my mother prepared for him.
  •  I have downloaded what you told me
  •  I have taken a good photo thanks to your advice
3. Talking about general experiences (ever, never)
  •  She has ever played FIFA
  •  My mom has never drunk her pill
  •  We have never ate pizza
4. Events that recently occurred (just)

  • My friend has just registered for a yoga class
  • Have you just taken my pen?!
  • I've just seen Susan coming out of the cinema.
5. Events that have not occurred up to now (yet)
  •  Carlos has not done any homework yet
  •  I have not bought a PC gamer yet :’(
  •  I have not charged the cell phone yet
6. Events that occurred before you expected (already)
  •  I have already spent my salary and it's two weeks before payday.
  •  We've already had our breakfast.
  •  Jacob has already left work

7. Events that began in the past and haven’t changed (for, since)
  • He hasn't played since he was injured
  • I haven't jogged for quarantine
  • Since when haven't you played?


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