Reading comprehension exercise



A consumer is a person who buys things, and a consumer society is a society that encourages people
to buy and use goods.1 Some people think that a consumer society provides people with better
lives. People in consumer societies tend to live more comfortably. They eat a wider variety of food.
They go to restaurants more often. They also buy a lot of products, maybe more than they need.
Products such as TVs, cell phones, and computers used to be luxuries.2 Today people can buy these
things more easily than ever before. The market for these goods is growing faster all the time.
Consumer societies encourage people to buy bigger and better products. For example, “smarter”
phones come out every year. In a consumer society, people are often buying newer and more
advanced products. This creates a lot of waste. Nowadays, many people are thinking more seriously
about the effects of consumer societies on the environment, and they are trying to become more
responsible consumers. 1 goods: items that can be bought or sold 2 luxury: something that is
expensive but not necessary.

Circle T for true and F for false.
1. Everyone agrees that consumer products improve their lives. T - F
2. These days, consumer goods are hard to find. T - F
3. Many people want luxury products these days. T - F
4. Consumer societies help the environment. T – F

Complete each sentence with the correct comparative form of the adjective in parentheses.
Add than when necessary.
1. New cars are much quieter than (quiet) old cars.
2. Do you think money is more important than (important) good health?
3. This coat is nice than (nice) that one.
4. My old laptop was a lot bigger than (big) my new one.
5. Gas is so expensive! I want a more efficient (efficient) car.
6. Many people think modern life is better than (good) life in the past.
7. Communication is a lot easier than (easy) it was 50 years ago.
8. The pollution in my city is much worse than (bad) it used to be.
9. I prefer hotter (hot) temperatures. That’s why I love summer.
10. My new school is a little farther than (far) my old one.

Read the article about trash in the desert. Find and correct eight more errors with superlatives.


The Arabian Desert in the Middle East is one of the most hot environments on Earth, and it has the
less amount of rainfall. But to the camel, it is home. The camel is one of the most strong animals in
the world. Camels can go for many days with only a little food and water. When they do find water,
they probably drink the most quick of any land animal. Adult camels can drink about 25 to 30 gallons
(95–114 liters) in ten minutes. Unfortunately, finding water is not the seriousest problem camels
face. Most dangerous threat to camels comes from humans. Tourists in the desert leave trash
behind. Camels think the trash is food and eat it. This is very dangerous for the camels, because it
can kill them. One of the most polluted part of the desert is outside the city of Abu Dhabi. Each year,
many camels die there from eating trash. Cameron Oliver has been trying to change this. Since he
was eight years old, Cameron has been telling people that trash is very dangerous for camels. Of all
the young people in Abu Dhabi, Cameron has worked most hard to help the camels. When he was
12, Cameron became the most young person to win an Abu Dhabi award for community service.

- The Arabian Desert in the Middle East is one of the hottest environments on Earth
- The camel is one of the strongest animals in the world.
- they probably drink the quickest of any land animal
- Unfortunately, finding water is not the most serious problem camels face.
-The most dangerous threat to camels comes from humans
- Cameron has worked the hardest to help the camels.
- Cameron became the youngest person to win an Abu Dhabi award for community service.


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